Contact Mr. LaGuardia at (203) 300-2958 or Mr. Simoneau at (203) 833-3902
Arc Saw Technologies LLC
Thomas S. LaGuardia, PE, CCP
Managing Member
LaGuardia & Associates, LLC (L&A)
Sanibel, FL
Arc Saw Technologies LLC (AST) is dedicated to designing, fabricating, testing and installing arc saws for nuclear and non-nuclear applications. The technology was successfully demonstrated as observed by Mr. LaGuardia in 1974, and patented by Retech, Inc. of Ukiah, CA in 1983, although earlier unsuccessful patents go back to circa 1907. The Retech patent expired in 2015, and AST adopted the concept and improved upon it substantially such that the US Patent Office granted a new patent for the arc saw in 2018. A patent was awarded by Japan in 2020, and AST has a patent pending in Canada.
Richard E. Simoneau
Managing Member
RS Engineered Solutions, LLC
Newtown, CT
More About AST
L&A was founded in 2006, and specializes in decommissioning and waste management engineering and planning, and cost estimating.
Mr. LaGuardia was President of TLG Services, Inc., which he founded in 1982, and specialized in decommissioning engineering and field services. In 2000, TLG Services, Inc., was purchased by Entergy Nuclear, Inc. (ENI); Mr. LaGuardia was appointed Vice President of Decommissioning for ENI.
He has a BSME from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and an MSME from the University of Connecticut. He is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Virginia, and is a Certified Cost Professional (CCP) by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International.
He is an industry-recognized expert preparing cost studies for over 128 nuclear power units and more than 200 fossil-fueled units, and provided expert testimony in over 165 rate hearings. He wrote numerous decommissioning handbooks and guidance documents. In 2007 he was given the Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Nuclear Society DD&R Division. In 2017 he received the Wendell D. Weart Lifetime Achievement Award at the Waste Management Symposium.
He and a colleague have designed, constructed and patented an electric arc saw for the segmentation of reactor vessels and internals (and other non-nuclear components) for decommissioning.
Wins Contract
Rich Simoneau has 22 years experience in the design, fabrication, and installation and crew training for nuclear power plant refueling and maintenance equipment while employed by Preferred Engineering, Inc. This included equipment such as Reactor Vessel (RV) Main Steam Line and Internal Jet Pump Plugs, Recirculation Nozzle Plugs, RV Cavity Man Lift and Cavity Seals. Rich assisted in the designs, fabrication, assembly. testing and installation of this specialized reactor refueling equipment.
As the Vice-President of Manufacturing Engineering for GSI, Inc., he developed products and designs related to the banking and security industry as well as the development, testing and introduction of several new product designs.
He also worked as a manager for General Engineering Lotepro Corporation where he was managed the engineering effort designing multi-million dollar cryogenic plants. It was here that Rich became proficient at Computer Aided Design (CAD) and was responsible for justification and implementation of an upgraded CAD System. This experience has been invaluable in the development of the Arc Saw.
Mr. Simoneau retired from Preferred Engineering in 2015 and founded RS Engineered Solutions, LLC